Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I've fucked up. I knew I shouldn't have down what I did. I can't stand it and now I'm stuck for quite a long time. God damnit. I fucking hate people.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I lied...

Remember a few posts back when I said I was doing a lifestyle change. Well life caught up with me and it didn't go so well. So.. starting over again! Diet started yday but then I got drunk and ate one of my roomie's pizzas. OOPS!! I owe you one! So today is my diet restart. So far it's 3 pm and I've had a bowl of cereal. In a few hours I can eat again because I whitened my teeth. They were lookin PRETTY ROUGH. I also bleached my hair again. Good times. It needs rebleached though because it's still not blonde blonde. It's kinda that golden blonde ugly color. Yucky. Anyway. That is all.