Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I hope that you catch me 'cause I'm already falling

Most women have been obsessed with getting married their ENTIRE lives, or else they haven't given one thought to it, and don't really care to. Of course, I being the oddball that I am, didn't really give a shit, ESPECIALLY not when I was engaged. So what am I doing at 3 am since I am currently single and there isn't a boy asking me to come back to bed with him? Planning my wedding, of course! HA. The past few months I've been buying bridal magazines and books, and reading wedding blogs and sites (Offbeat Bride is hands down, my absolute FAVORITE). So needless to say.. I've become obsessed.

Big question: WHY? Absolutely no idea. Maybe because I'm sick and tired of dating and I'm ready to be done with it. And how else do you stop dating? I guess you could just stop..but then everyone keeps asking you about "that special guy" and what are you supposed to tell them? Guys are assholes? You're turning lesbian? You're becoming a Buddhist monk? Honestly..I'm running out of excuses. Sooo how do you make it all just stop? Get married.

Another question: Why plan now when you don't even have a boyfriend? Well when I finally find "the one" (read as: the one who I can live with without trying to kill them or myself) I won't have to go through the stress of planning it all out. I'll already have it done. Then we can crank it out like wham bam, thank you ma'am and be done with it.

Anoooother question: Won't your future fiance want some say? Well if he can't fit into my plans then he's obviously not the one for me. There is always some room for discussion, but I have a general idea of what I want, and if he can't go with the flow and wants to control everything then he's definitely not for me. I like getting my way.

Anooooooooooother question: Do you even have a prospective BOYFRIEND? Meh...maybe one or two or..ten ;) OK NOT TEN

Last question: It's almost 4 am..shouldn't you be asleep? Why yes, yes I should.

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