Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Either I'm getting old and sentimental or...

something is SERIOUSLY wrong with me. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, while Bolo and Twang watch Ghost Rider, and I'm planning my wedding. Again. 784,165,456th time now. I know..I know!! Bubbles what the hell is wrong with you? You've only been dating Bolo since February. You're not even engaged. Why the hell are you SO into planning your wedding?? Honestly, I have no idea. Just the thought of having a huge party surrounded by friends and..well not so much HIS family, but some of mine, and expressing your love to someone as being sooo strong and you have so much faith in your partner and the love you share that you're going to legally bind to each other, intending for it to last until you both die.

Yep. I've lost it. I want nothing more to dress up fancy, go to a beach somewhere, and exchange handwritten vows with Bolo in front of a few mEows and family, and then get completely shitfaced. there's more to weddings than that, but I don't know.

So I guess for when it comes, I'm ready. Bring on the mismatched centerpieces, the ill-fitting bridesmaids' dresses, the dropped cake. BRING IT. I've been watching David Tutera, and I'm BEYOND ready, bitches.

1 comment:

  1. haha i feel ya there. i mean, i've been with daniel longer and we actually are engaged. but i still can't marry him for a long time. but i still like planning it. :P
