Saturday, June 9, 2012


Once again it's been almost a month since my last blog post. I am just SUCKING at this blog thing. Although I definitely have a good reason this time. I've moved, cross country, TWICE. First I went from Iowa to Bolo's townhouse in Westfield, NJ. It's outside of NYC. It's not exactly my cup of tea. The people aren't so nice. They're all in a hurry, and only care about themselves being on time. Needless to say, traffic is a BITCH. The second move was to our new apartment in Towson, MD. Much better!! It's below the Mason-Dixon line, so of course life is much slower paced around here. The people are so much nicer, even if they are a little dumber. Plus a few mEows live around here! (SN: mEow is our clan on xbox. we play MW3. look us up on elite. we're awesome.)

Anyway we moved down here in two trips, our last being on June 1st. Since then we've been unpacking, washing clothes, breaking laundry machines, washing dishes, trying to figure out why the dish washer is on a light switch and won't run when it's not on, building Ikea furniture, and hanging out with Flife and Twang. CRAZY LIFE of moving. Thank God it's over for a couple of years.

Anyway needless to say with all this moving I've been a bit stressed out, as has Bolo. Ugh. We've had some pretty bad fights about some pretty stupid shit. But whatever. I know we'll get through it. I mean we're perfect for each other. This whole stress thing is just not cool. So once this whole unpacking/laundry/building stereo systems/building furniture shit is done we're going to have a big party, and hopefully a spa day. I really need a mani/pedi.

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