Sunday, February 26, 2012

best vacation EVER

I would like to draw your attention to the name of this entry. Wait..what? vacation? Yes. But you didn't go anywhere Bubbles!! I know. It was kind of a stay-cation, but the boyfriend was here. So what all did we do?

Wed -- Bolo didn't get here until late, like 11 pm. So I spent the whole day trying not to have a nervous breakdown. Roomie and I cleaned, and then went shopping. Then I got drunk so roomie drove me to the airport to get him. YAY!!! Then we stopped at Hy-Vee and got cookies, and went for a short tour of Des Moines.

Thurs-- Uhm...We kinda stayed in bed all day and watched stuff on Netflix. It was chill..and it was pretty awesome. Then we double dated with the roomie and Nate and went out to Zimms (a small bar on Ingersoll). Oh did I mention it was a snowstorm? Lol yea buddy!

Fri -- started off like Thurs. Laid around in bed, listened to Weezer. Then when roomie got off work we headed over to Jordan Creek. Stopped at Loft and saw Kait. Went to hipster paradise aka the Apple Store, to see if they could fix my roomie's iPod. And then we went to Coach and someone *cough* got SUPER FUCKING SPOILED.
Nice, right? Even got a matching wallet. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x10000 Bolo <3 Oh and we got Panera. Then we picked up a b-day present for the cousin and went home and watched Sunny in Philly. New favorite show.

Sat -- I got up, left Bolo at home and went to pick up my bro from the car dealership. He rode up here with my grandparents. Then we hung for a bit, then my grandparents and my mom and my roomie's dad and his gf all came over. Then Bolo, Mom, Ethan, and I went to find some new shoes for Ethan before my cousin's surprise birthday party. So we went to the party. Bolo met the family. They all really like him. YAY. Although they think he spoils me too much. *Shrugs shoulders* What can I say? He definitely does spoil me too much..but I'm not one to complain ;)

So here we is Sunday. The worst day.. EVER. Bolo is leaving in around an hour, an hour and a half. I've been up since 9, and I've been crying on and off all morning. I know I leave for Atlantic City in two weeks, but honestly those two weeks are going to be the hardest and longest of my life. And then what am I going to do after that? When will I get to be with him again? UGH. Can we just obliterate all the states between Jersey and Iowa? That would be nice.

*sigh* sooooo best vacation ever? Definitely..except today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Soooooooooooo he finally got here yesterday after a billion and a half flight delays. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!  So after shopping and drinking a lot to prevent a nervous breakdown, the roomie had to drive to the airport. And now we're all going to the mall to pick up a few things.

I don't think I've ever been this.... content/happy/smiley in a long time. So yay =]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

13 hours...

He'll be here in 13 hours. I turned in my tests for organic chemistry this morning and was done with that around 735 lol. So now I'm at mcdonalds, eating a super uber fattening breakfast that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be throwing up because I'm a complete basket case..AGAIN. I had lunch with my mom yesterday and that somehow managed to calm me down, but now I'm a freaking out..again. Why? No idea. I mean I know nothing bad is going to happen..but UGH. I'm just so...scared.

And my vagina is imploding and we're out of midol. FUCK.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pterodactyls, not butterflies.

Less than 36 hours and he'll be here. I'm scared. Really scared. REALLY FUCKING SCARED. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm fugly? What if I fuck up absolutely EVERYTHING? What if he realizes I'm black? What if.. UGH!! I'm in such a fucking frenzy. I'm completely scatter brained. I tried to go grocery shopping last night. Made a list, then ran through every aisle twice, and still missed stuff on my list.

You know how when you REALLY like someone you get butterflies in your stomach? Well this is more than that. It's like pterodactyls ripping my intestines to pieces. They're in knots. I haven't slept well in two nights. My stomach hurts, ALL THE TIME. I can't eat. I'm such a basket case. My thoughts are entirely scattered. Sorry..that is definitely going to be reflected in this blog entry bc I can't organize ANYTHING. Not even my closet. FUCK.

I don't know, I guess I'm just worried. I love him, and what if we meet..and we just don't click in person like how we do not in person? I'll be completely heartbroken.

So yeah.. pterodactyls. Evil creatures.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The day after..

It's the day after Valentine's and I'm still completely ear-to-ear smiling.. still. I failed my bio test this morning and if I don't turn in my extra-credit I'll end up with a D in the class (I'll get a C if I do). I finished my lit class..most of it anyway, all but the two tests which aren't due until next week. I haven't done much for chem, but I have no idea what we're doing, so whatever. My grades will be shit this term. All C's probably. And do I care?? Noooooope.

This was the BEST Valentine's Day I've EVER had, even though my boyfriend is a thousand miles away. He sent me two boxes, full of stuff. He even sent them to my mom's so I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday when I go back to my apartment. I got to open one on Monday. It had personalized M&M's in it! AWESOME!! They had a pony on them and some said Bubbles with a <3, and some said "heated car" (it's an inside joke) and some had hearts on them. That was pretty awesome. I couldn't stop laughing for the loooongest time. I would have been totally fine with just that, because truth be told, that's probably the only Valentine's gift I've ever received that's had ANY thought put into it at all. After class on Monday I come home to see a HUUUUGE package sitting on the front porch. I wasn't allowed to open it until Valentine's Day, and I was instructed to call the bf so he could give me instructions. Hmm.. okay. Whatever. I had class that morning, so I woke up at 6 and called him. I know 6 is mad early for him...but he was okay with it. He's soooo.. flexible. Whatever I'm doing he just kinda fits around his plans. It's kind of amazing that he takes time for me, JUST me. Even if it's something he completely doesn't want to do.. like watching super uber girly tv shows on Netflix. *sigh* sooooooo AMAZING <3

ANYWAY!! I got sidetracked..where was I. OH YES!! Presents. Swear to FSM, it was like Christmas. I open the huge brown box, expecting nothing to be wrapped or anything and just something..I don't know. No idea what I'm expecting actually. But everything's wrapped in HOT PINK!! And I'm super excited!!! Oh and there's A STUFFED POOOONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my first package... kinda medium sized, not heavy or anything. Hmm.. PINK XBOX CONTROLLER!!! Because I kinda chewed my old one up. Yes chewed.. I'm mouthy. ANYWAY. YAY!!! 2nd package, small, squishy. Open.. a hot pink skin for my new controller. yay!!!! pretty pink pink pink!! He knows me so well. So after this I'm like "what in the world else could he get me?! This is WAY more than enough!!" so then I get to open my big squishy package. OH MY GOSH!! It's these!! I'd said I was going to get them to wear on our trip to AC. Which I really did intend on getting them..but he got them for me!!! So thoughtful!!! So then I get to open the smallest package..and it's xbox transfer cables..

Controller & transfer cables...That can only mean.. THE HUUUUUUUUGE ONE IS A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT* OH MY FUCKING GOD HE GOT ME A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's the Kinect bundle!!! YAY!!! So then he tells me I have to open it. Hmm. Awkward...maybe it's not an Xbox. That would suck. I open it, and pull out the Xbox..and it's covered in SHINY HOT PINK PONIES AND BUTTERFLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He MADE them. Just for me. 

So, needless to say... I have the world's best boyfriend; he's so thoughtful. Now I'm sitting in the coffeeshop, crying...because I've never been this happy, EVER. This is definitely something AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT, and I'm sure I'll never encounter it again, so I've got to hold on tight and never ever let it go.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Over three months later..

I know, I know.. I have NOT been keeping up with this blog very well. I've been super busy with life. And by that I mean, I have class Mon-Thurs and work Thurs-Sun. Never a day off. NEVER. So what's new with me? LOTS!! I'm dying to tell here goes (with some Elf quotes, you know..just because!):

"I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!!"
So I found this great guy. Actually I found him a couple of years ago.. and we kind of fell out of touch. Then I don't know what happened, but we started talking again around the holidays. I can't believe I actually forgot how amazing he is. We agree on soooo much. Like religion -- we're both Pastafarians. Who's even HEARD of that, let alone believes in it?! He's the sweetest guy ever -- he sent me a fucking pony. Yes, a Pinkie Pie stuffed pony. His friends are EPIC. Coolest group of kids I know, hands down.

"First, I went through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest... Then, I went past the sea of twirly, swirly gumdrops... And after that: I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."
Said guy is coming to visit me. Soon. Real soon, like A WEEK AND A HALF AWAY!!!!! Sooo excited.
Also on the travel agenda, said guy, his friends, and I are all going to Atlantic City, NJ for St. Patrick's Day weekend. I AM STOKED!!

"Why don't you just say it? I'm the worst toymaker in the world! I'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins."
This is me at school lately. I actually diced my finger open during a dissection. With a scalpel. Ouch. Oh well, new term is almost here, and it's the last one at Hills. YAY!!!

"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup."
Okay so I haven't been eating candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup, but I have been eating healthier, and trying to exercise. So far I've lost 6.5 pounds. Yay!!! is.. on track. Amazingly. It was a rough patch, but I'm finally through. Hopefully the next rough patch isn't so hard. Although I have a feeling the people I've grown closer to in the last few months will definitely be there to help me if I need it. <3