Sunday, February 26, 2012

best vacation EVER

I would like to draw your attention to the name of this entry. Wait..what? vacation? Yes. But you didn't go anywhere Bubbles!! I know. It was kind of a stay-cation, but the boyfriend was here. So what all did we do?

Wed -- Bolo didn't get here until late, like 11 pm. So I spent the whole day trying not to have a nervous breakdown. Roomie and I cleaned, and then went shopping. Then I got drunk so roomie drove me to the airport to get him. YAY!!! Then we stopped at Hy-Vee and got cookies, and went for a short tour of Des Moines.

Thurs-- Uhm...We kinda stayed in bed all day and watched stuff on Netflix. It was chill..and it was pretty awesome. Then we double dated with the roomie and Nate and went out to Zimms (a small bar on Ingersoll). Oh did I mention it was a snowstorm? Lol yea buddy!

Fri -- started off like Thurs. Laid around in bed, listened to Weezer. Then when roomie got off work we headed over to Jordan Creek. Stopped at Loft and saw Kait. Went to hipster paradise aka the Apple Store, to see if they could fix my roomie's iPod. And then we went to Coach and someone *cough* got SUPER FUCKING SPOILED.
Nice, right? Even got a matching wallet. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x10000 Bolo <3 Oh and we got Panera. Then we picked up a b-day present for the cousin and went home and watched Sunny in Philly. New favorite show.

Sat -- I got up, left Bolo at home and went to pick up my bro from the car dealership. He rode up here with my grandparents. Then we hung for a bit, then my grandparents and my mom and my roomie's dad and his gf all came over. Then Bolo, Mom, Ethan, and I went to find some new shoes for Ethan before my cousin's surprise birthday party. So we went to the party. Bolo met the family. They all really like him. YAY. Although they think he spoils me too much. *Shrugs shoulders* What can I say? He definitely does spoil me too much..but I'm not one to complain ;)

So here we is Sunday. The worst day.. EVER. Bolo is leaving in around an hour, an hour and a half. I've been up since 9, and I've been crying on and off all morning. I know I leave for Atlantic City in two weeks, but honestly those two weeks are going to be the hardest and longest of my life. And then what am I going to do after that? When will I get to be with him again? UGH. Can we just obliterate all the states between Jersey and Iowa? That would be nice.

*sigh* sooooo best vacation ever? Definitely..except today.

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