Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The day after..

It's the day after Valentine's and I'm still completely ear-to-ear smiling.. still. I failed my bio test this morning and if I don't turn in my extra-credit I'll end up with a D in the class (I'll get a C if I do). I finished my lit class..most of it anyway, all but the two tests which aren't due until next week. I haven't done much for chem, but I have no idea what we're doing, so whatever. My grades will be shit this term. All C's probably. And do I care?? Noooooope.

This was the BEST Valentine's Day I've EVER had, even though my boyfriend is a thousand miles away. He sent me two boxes, full of stuff. He even sent them to my mom's so I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday when I go back to my apartment. I got to open one on Monday. It had personalized M&M's in it! AWESOME!! They had a pony on them and some said Bubbles with a <3, and some said "heated car" (it's an inside joke) and some had hearts on them. That was pretty awesome. I couldn't stop laughing for the loooongest time. I would have been totally fine with just that, because truth be told, that's probably the only Valentine's gift I've ever received that's had ANY thought put into it at all. After class on Monday I come home to see a HUUUUGE package sitting on the front porch. I wasn't allowed to open it until Valentine's Day, and I was instructed to call the bf so he could give me instructions. Hmm.. okay. Whatever. I had class that morning, so I woke up at 6 and called him. I know 6 is mad early for him...but he was okay with it. He's soooo.. flexible. Whatever I'm doing he just kinda fits around his plans. It's kind of amazing that he takes time for me, JUST me. Even if it's something he completely doesn't want to do.. like watching super uber girly tv shows on Netflix. *sigh* sooooooo AMAZING <3

ANYWAY!! I got sidetracked..where was I. OH YES!! Presents. Swear to FSM, it was like Christmas. I open the huge brown box, expecting nothing to be wrapped or anything and just something..I don't know. No idea what I'm expecting actually. But everything's wrapped in HOT PINK!! And I'm super excited!!! Oh and there's A STUFFED POOOONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my first package... kinda medium sized, not heavy or anything. Hmm.. PINK XBOX CONTROLLER!!! Because I kinda chewed my old one up. Yes chewed.. I'm mouthy. ANYWAY. YAY!!! 2nd package, small, squishy. Open.. a hot pink skin for my new controller. yay!!!! pretty pink pink pink!! He knows me so well. So after this I'm like "what in the world else could he get me?! This is WAY more than enough!!" so then I get to open my big squishy package. OH MY GOSH!! It's these!! I'd said I was going to get them to wear on our trip to AC. Which I really did intend on getting them..but he got them for me!!! So thoughtful!!! So then I get to open the smallest package..and it's xbox transfer cables..

Controller & transfer cables...That can only mean.. THE HUUUUUUUUGE ONE IS A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT* OH MY FUCKING GOD HE GOT ME A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's the Kinect bundle!!! YAY!!! So then he tells me I have to open it. Hmm. Awkward...maybe it's not an Xbox. That would suck. I open it, and pull out the Xbox..and it's covered in SHINY HOT PINK PONIES AND BUTTERFLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He MADE them. Just for me. 

So, needless to say... I have the world's best boyfriend; he's so thoughtful. Now I'm sitting in the coffeeshop, crying...because I've never been this happy, EVER. This is definitely something AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT, and I'm sure I'll never encounter it again, so I've got to hold on tight and never ever let it go.