Monday, June 13, 2011

and the reason is you...

Aww yeah! New blog, let's start this ish off right! My name is Kendra, but I go by Bubblesishness, or Bubbles for short. 22. College student. Slave to Target (yeah the red bullseye..). Des Moines, Iowa's newest resident. So why am I blogging? Honestly I have no idea. My former roommate and cousin moved to Florida a few weeks ago and started a blog, and suggested I did the same, so here we are.

So where do I even begin? Hmm, some FAQ about me might do the trick:
  • Why "Bubbles"?
    • I'm a HUGE video gamer, and Bubblesishness is my gamertag/screenname for everything. It started in middle school when I played checkers on yahoo with a group of girls. We all changed our names to something-ishness. I was Bubbles because I'm just a bubbly person..usually.
  • Why are you almost 23 and still working on your associates? And why chemistry? That won't get you anything!
    • Because a lot of stuff happened straight out of high school. My parents marriage fell to pieces, and to avoid the problem I moved in with a guy that loved me. We got engaged. Parents got divorced. Dad died. Then my engagement fell apart when I was 20. So I moved back in with my mom and started college then. After a year I decided I wanted to move to Savannah, GA so I did. I failed Calc. The school there didn't see me as a person, they honestly didn't care. It was so overcrowded I couldn't even get into classes for second semester. So after my year lease was up I moved back home to Fairfield. Then I moved in with my cousin in Cedar Rapids, IA for 6 months. Then like I said she move to Florida, and I moved in with my friend from elementary school, Adam, in Des Moines. I started school again, and at the end of May, I WILL have my associates of science in Chemistry. Hopefully I can get into pharmacy school. But we will see. If not, I don't know. Maybe I'll get my bach in chemsistry? We're kinda just playing it by ear.
  • What is with all these weird references and your blog name?
    • I play video games,  A LOT. It's a massive hobby. Respawn is when basically you die, and come back again. So I moved, and got a life. Get it? Any other references you don't them or ask me. I'll be happy to explain.

    I suppose that is all for now!
    <3 Bubbles

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