Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The National Weather Service of the Quad Cities has issued a flash flood warning

So here I am, at my mom's house in the boring ass town of FF. UGH! I honestly can not stand Fairfield. There's nothing to do but drive around and harass the Maharashi. But once you're out of high school it isn't as fun. I honestly will never be living here again. Sure I come down and spend the night on Tuesdays so I don't have as far to drive to be here for my 8 am chemistry class in Ottumwa. But besides the point, I absolutely hate Fairfield. Cedar Rapids was okay. Des Moines is AWESOME. So much to do, and everyone is way nicer!

Anyway, it's storming outside, PERFECT for sleeping. Which I should be doing fairly shortly, seeing as I have to start my day at the crack of dawn at 6 am. YUCK. Definitely am not a morning person. I'll get up, take a shower, pack my car, and head off for Ottumwa at 715. Then I have a test and more chemistry homework, and a lab! SHIT. I forgot to print my graph. I need to install my printer! I have to find my discs!! CRAP!!! Anyway. After class I'll drive back to Des Moines. YAY! Then I work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Wewt. Probably not going out at all this weekend because I work all evening shifts. Oh well, the roommate will be in California so I'll have the whole apartment to share with the beast. Oh..the beast is his dog Maddie. She's a little poodle shi tzu mix.

Anyway I better go print my stuff off. Goodnight <3

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