Sunday, June 26, 2011


I'm pretty disgusted with myself at the moment. I've gained 10 lbs since moving to Des Moines. YUCK. I've never been skinny, but oh my god I feel SUPER FAT. When I lived in Savannah I got down to my high school weight (HARD, since I gained a LOT when I was engaged and living with the ex-fiance.) I moved back to Iowa and got fat. YUCK. So when I get back to Des Moines this week (Wednesday) I'm going grocery shopping for healthy food. You know..celery..carrots..all that good stuff. And I'll start actually using my complex's gym, and work out. Hopefully in around a year I'll be down to my "you're this tall and supposed to weigh x-amount of pounds." I'm sick of being the fat ugly one, so I guess it's time I do something about it.

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