Friday, September 7, 2012

It's been a BIG day!!

Today has been... craaaaaaaaazy.

I studied my motorcycle handbook last night and wanted to take my test today. Early. Like 10 am. So of course Bolo and I stayed up until 3 am, and then slept late. I was up and ready to go at 11. Bolo was still in bed. I was hungry so I told him to be ready when I got back and so I went to Subway for some delicousness. I got back and Bolo wasn't ready. Not gunna lie.. I was pissed. So eventually he gets around and we leave around 2. Keep in mind the MVA closes at 4.

We get to the MVA and the migraine begins. I get my number - F27, and wait. And wait. And.. guess what.. WE WAIT SOME MORE!! Finally I get called. I go up, she takes my number and drivers license and puts the info into the computer. Then she takes my picture and tells me to go the testing room. I go in, and take my test. Only miss two. WOOHOO!! Silly common-sense questions. I was worried for no reason.

So we come home around 430 during rush hour. Of course it's rush hour, so I can't go out riding. So we come upstairs and chill for a bit until I got a phone call. It's a lady from Pandora (the jewelry store) and she wants to set up an interview. TOMORROW. Scoooooooore!!!!!!!!

Around a quarter till 10, my nerves got the best of me. Nervous about my interview, I decided to try some outfits on and pick one out. So I pull out my black pants and try them on. My ONE pair of black pants that I've had for YEARS. Probably clear back when I worked my first job at Martin's Pharmacy. Anyway, I try them on...and there is NO WAY they are buttoning. I am SCREWED. I don't have any work/interview clothes. I just placed a huge order online but those won't be here until next week. I AM SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tomorrow I am getting up early. Like 8 am, and getting ready. Then I'm going shopping at White Marsh Mall (not the mall I'm interviewing at) so that I can find some clothes and get back in time for my interview at 130. Phew!! I've got a lot to do....Guess that means I don't have time to be nervous.

Our family is expanding...

Yep. You read that right. Our family is expanding by one. One little, adorable, brand spanking new, Honda NC700XDC, and she is a cutie pie!! Her name is Derpy (yes, like the MLP FIM pony).

Last weekend Bolo and Flife went to Pete's Cycles to look at bikes. They both sat on this one and liked it, so Wednesday Bolo took me to check it out. We rode the DN-01 there, so we had to drive back to get the car, and then back again to pick it up. Kinda a good thing, because this gave the shop enough time to lower it. It's a TALL bike. Taller than Bolo's VFR1200R. They lowered it as much as they could then, and Bolo paid it off and rode it home. We have to bring it back for a check-up around 600 miles. When we do that, they have to shorten the kick stand so they can lower the bike just an inch or two more, so I can stand up flat footed with BOTH feet.

Anyway, so breaking in a new bike is..well.. it just sucks. Bolo's been super nice and is doing it for me. Today while I went to the store for a few things he went out for a ride. Now let me tell you.. Bolo's been riding for 4 years, driving for 16, never had a ticket... UNTIL TODAY. Well technically yesterday..whatever. Our 7th monthiversary (Thursday) Bolo got a speeding ticket for going 58 in a 30. He only got a ticket, so it's not so bad.'s our cute little Honda family. The VFR's the red one on the left. Derpy is in the middle and the DN is the black on the right.
Now I just have to get my motorcycle permit....

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I miss...



My mom.

My brother(s).

My old roomies.

My grandparents.

My coworkers.

I'm SUPER excited to go home next month

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Either I'm getting old and sentimental or...

something is SERIOUSLY wrong with me. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, while Bolo and Twang watch Ghost Rider, and I'm planning my wedding. Again. 784,165,456th time now. I know..I know!! Bubbles what the hell is wrong with you? You've only been dating Bolo since February. You're not even engaged. Why the hell are you SO into planning your wedding?? Honestly, I have no idea. Just the thought of having a huge party surrounded by friends and..well not so much HIS family, but some of mine, and expressing your love to someone as being sooo strong and you have so much faith in your partner and the love you share that you're going to legally bind to each other, intending for it to last until you both die.

Yep. I've lost it. I want nothing more to dress up fancy, go to a beach somewhere, and exchange handwritten vows with Bolo in front of a few mEows and family, and then get completely shitfaced. there's more to weddings than that, but I don't know.

So I guess for when it comes, I'm ready. Bring on the mismatched centerpieces, the ill-fitting bridesmaids' dresses, the dropped cake. BRING IT. I've been watching David Tutera, and I'm BEYOND ready, bitches.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Once again it's been almost a month since my last blog post. I am just SUCKING at this blog thing. Although I definitely have a good reason this time. I've moved, cross country, TWICE. First I went from Iowa to Bolo's townhouse in Westfield, NJ. It's outside of NYC. It's not exactly my cup of tea. The people aren't so nice. They're all in a hurry, and only care about themselves being on time. Needless to say, traffic is a BITCH. The second move was to our new apartment in Towson, MD. Much better!! It's below the Mason-Dixon line, so of course life is much slower paced around here. The people are so much nicer, even if they are a little dumber. Plus a few mEows live around here! (SN: mEow is our clan on xbox. we play MW3. look us up on elite. we're awesome.)

Anyway we moved down here in two trips, our last being on June 1st. Since then we've been unpacking, washing clothes, breaking laundry machines, washing dishes, trying to figure out why the dish washer is on a light switch and won't run when it's not on, building Ikea furniture, and hanging out with Flife and Twang. CRAZY LIFE of moving. Thank God it's over for a couple of years.

Anyway needless to say with all this moving I've been a bit stressed out, as has Bolo. Ugh. We've had some pretty bad fights about some pretty stupid shit. But whatever. I know we'll get through it. I mean we're perfect for each other. This whole stress thing is just not cool. So once this whole unpacking/laundry/building stereo systems/building furniture shit is done we're going to have a big party, and hopefully a spa day. I really need a mani/pedi.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grandpa can't streak...

So since my mom's short staffed at work (a newspaper) she asked me to write an opinion column for today's paper. They didn't end up needing it, so I'll post it here for you all to read. What's the point of writing something if it's going to go to waste? Enjoy!

            “Grandpa can’t streak through the dining room anymore,” my grandmother said as we sat in front of her computer. Typical Wednesday night? Not at all, and this one was going to change everything.
            I stopped at my grandparent’s house to give my grandmother her Mother’s Day gift, a little bit early. I sat at the table as they finished their supper and discussed everything ranging from grandpa blowing up my uncle’s chain saw to both of them working at the Ledger that day.
            As my grandpa cleared the table, my grandma opened her present. As soon as she pulled the webcam out of the gift bag, she looked at me, and told me she’d hoped I hadn’t spent a lot of money on this, and she hoped I was going to teach her how to use this. Of course I was going to, that’s why I’d stopped by early.
            Most people might think I’m a bit weird. A webcam, what kind of Mother’s Day present is that? Let me explain. I’m moving in with my boyfriend in Westfield, New Jersey on Saturday. Then we’re moving again to Towson, Maryland by the beginning of June. I won’t be able to stop over at my grandparent’s house for lunch like I usually do when I’m in town every week to attend school at Indian Hills. I won’t be able to see them when they’re visiting Des Moines, and stop at my job or apartment for a quick visit. I know there’s always phone calls, e-mails, and text message, the last of which my grandmother is still mastering, but they aren’t the same as face-to-face conversations.
            My boyfriend and I have been doing the long distance thing for a while. We usually video-chat on our Xbox Kinects. He gave me the idea of buying a webcam for my grandmother, after visiting our friends in Towson, and noticing that one of them uses Skype to talk to her family in Albania. We both agreed it would be a pretty neat way to talk, if my grandmother could figure it out.
            So this landed me at my grandparents’ house on Wednesday night. I installed the webcam, downloaded Skype, and then the learning lesson began.
            “How do I open this?”
            “Double click the Skype icon on your desktop.”
            “How do I call someone?”
            “Click their name, then hit video call.”
            “How do I hang up?”
            “Click the red phone.”
            “What red phone?”
            “The phone that’s there when you’re in a call.”
            I told her all these things, and she would jot them down on a piece of paper. Without the actual visuals, this wasn’t really going so well. So I had my boyfriend get on Skype on his iPad, add my grandmother’s I.D., and call her. They talked about how exciting it was that we were moving in together, and how this “Skype thing” was a “real good idea” if my grandma could get the hang of it. My boyfriend reassured her it wasn’t hard, and she would eventually understand it. Grandma decided she might have to have my little brother come out and help her after I moved. They caught up on things that happened since the last time he was here in February, and my boyfriend mentioned the wreath with a frog on it hanging clear across the house on the back of the door.
            My boyfriend had to go to dinner with our friends, so we ended our call, and I showed Grandma how to sign off. She then went to the living room to discuss this new fan-dangled video chat with Grandpa, while I updated their TomTom.
            “You missed Kendra’s boyfriend on the computer!”
            “He’s down in Maryland signing their new lease. So now we can video chat and see them when we talk.”
            “Hmm.” Wheel of Fortune was on. My grandpa must really like that show.
            “Our picture was so good he could see the frog wreath, but he said his picture wasn’t so good because he was using his iPad.”
            Grandma came back to the dining room, and we chatted as the TomTom finished updating. We made plans to try out Skype Thursday, to see if she could figure it out on her own. I’m pretty confident she’ll do okay, especially since she wrote down directions.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Almost Here!!

Tonight is my last night on xbox in Iowa... I'm currently in a party with my boyfriend and our "daughter". I'm so excited. Bolo signed a lease today. He gets the keys on Wed. He got the one I REALLY wanted. It's a gorgeous apartment, and he managed to get it for the lower price. Yay!! Now we just have to move stuff and decide where stuff goes. Hard stuff to do *shrugs shoulders* We'll manage!

My flight leaves Sat. My little brother Ethan has a concert tomorrow so I'm driving down to Fairfield. I'll also have to lug ALL my shit down there, do my laundry, repack, and mail whatever doesn't fit to Jersey. Then Friday after work I'm bringing my mom and Ethan to Des Moines, and they're dropping me off super early on Saturday.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Swear I'll Get This Right Someday...

I've fallen behind yet again. DAMNIT. Sorry followers.

Things have been craaaaaaaaaazy. I'm moving in around a week. To New Jersey. YES, I'm MOVING IN with the boyfriend. Am I excited? OH MY GOD, yes. You wouldn't believe how excited I am. Am I nervous? You bet your ass. I know if we get in a fight we're able to rationally talk about it and fix it. I know if I fall and break something he'll be there to take care of me. I know if anything happens to me I'll be okay. So why am I nervous? To be's the whole leaving my mom thing. She depends on me a lot, especially when I'm home. I have to take Ethan places because she's busy slaving away at work. I have to go to the store and pick up milk for her. Just little things like that. But it's the little things that count. I dont know. I just hate to leave her. I mean I did it when I moved to Georgia, and I hated myself for it. So I moved back home. But this time there's no moving back home. The boyfriend has made it clear that he hates Iowa. Don't get me wrong, I hate it too, but my family is here, and they mean the world to me. I just wish that I could pick them all up and move them with me.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Whoops..I may not be so good at this. we are again. I've fallen entirely behind on my blogging. I've been a busy girl!! Since my last blogpost and this one I've gone to New Jersey to visit my love again. This time we had lots of time to ourselves, which was nice. We went shopping, and ate at a bunch of different restaurants. And we played xbox a bit. But the just the two of us hanging out was def fun.

I met his family. It was his little brother's 15 bday while I was there, so we all went out to eat. My boyfriend tells me his mom is crazy, but I didn't get that impression at all. She might be a little plastic, but we all can be. Although she's more PHYSICALLY plastic than most, but whatever. His stepdad is cool, but we've talked over xbox before so it's not like I was walking into that one blind. His little brother looks soooo much like him. He's a bit nerdy -- he plays video games and likes space and he's a bit shy and soft-spoken, but he seems like a good kid. I think he was confused when I hugged him when we met. Lol.

We also went down to Maryland for a few days with the mEows. We crashed Flife and Flofle's guest room for a few nights. We (Twang included) all rode down to Washington DC on the motorcycles. We stopped at a Smithsonian, one of the art ones. And we went to Arlington. We also stopped at the Women in Military memorial and looked up my mom! So I got to add a bunch of new places to my list of visited places! Like Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. FUN TIMES! So, Easter Sunday we all woke up, Twang came over. I had hid Easter Baskets for everyone (except Bolo did mine) the night before, so we all looked for ours. And then we had an AMAZING breakfast prepared by Flife and Flofle. And then Bolo and I headed back to Jersey.

So back in Jersey I was supposed to leave. Didn't want to, so we called and changed my flight for Tuesday. TEEHEE. So with our extra day we went to the beach. There was a military battery there, and we were snooping around. Some guy came up and asked if we wanted to see inside, so turns out he worked there, and he gave us a tour. It was kinda cool! He invited us back for a little shindig they're doing in May. If the timing works out maybe we'll go, and maybe we'll take the bf's little brother. He would probably like it.

Anyway, I think that's all for now. I'm exhausted and it's storming. PERFECT NAP TIME!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive...

Soo wow. CRAZY ASS WEEKEND. For those of you who have no idea what's been going on..I went to Jersey bitches. No, not jersey shore. FUCK THAT. Weak ass shit nigga.

Anyway, I flew out of Des Moines on Thursday, around noon. Flew into Chicago. Had a looong 5 hour layover, then flew into Newark. YAY!!! So the bf picked me up and we had pizza and watched some tv after I had a super nice long shower. So we ..well..YEAH. Went to bed. It was a long day! Sleep was good, especially since...

Friday started the CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! Friday we drove down to Atlantic City to meet the mEows (our xbox clan). Flife & Flofle, TBell & Alchemy, Twang, Diablo, and Recon all met us in AC. oh and Bolos cousin too, but hes not really a mEow. We had two regular rooms and a suite to party in. So Friday night we went out to eat, and then decided to go to the club! So we went to Casbah, and being the GANGSTAS that we are, got a VIP section. It was fun. I didnt drink too much. I actually think Bolo and I went back to our room early.

This is when things get MESSY. Sat was St Pattys day. slept in, got up, ran to the liquor store, got booze, gambled a bit. Won $100 bux. passed out and took a nap. Then we woke up and went to Casbah (VIP, of course). So..I DRANK WAY TOO MUCH. I ended up blacking out. I have soft spots all over my head. It was MESSY. Puke everywhere. Alcohol poisoning, for sure. But I wasnt the only causality. There was an arrest, a lost wallet, stolen liquor, and people kicked out.

Sunday..well sunday was spent in the bathroom, and/or bed. we all ordered room service, hung out in the suite and watched some movies. Then everyone left us =[ Just Bolo, Diablo, and I were left. So for dinner we ate at Dynasty, and had shark fin soup and lots of sushi. YUMMMMMMM

Monday, we went our separate ways. Bolo and I back North, and Diablo to Ohio. Bolo and I took a quick nap, then went for a motorcycle ride. His bike is SEXY as fuck. It was loads of fun. Somehow we ended up at the Coach store during our ride, and I somehow acquired a new pair of sunglasses. (thank you dear!) Then we went home, cleaned up, and went to an (dot) Indian place for dinner. It was SOOOOOO delicious. Then we went home, watched some tv with the boys (Bolo's kitties), and then went to bed.

So today we got up and went to breakfast at a little bagel place across the road from Bolos. OH MY GOD. BEST BAGEL...EVER!!!!! So then we drove around in a park, and then went home. Then Bolo took me to the airport, and now I'm back in Iowa, and Bolo and I are playing MW3.

Anyway, I had an awesome time. Pics are on FB. I'll post them here soon. GAME time, ttyl

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hot date!

So I have a hot date tonight. Exciting..right?! Wait a minute Bubbles...isn't your boyfriend 1,000 miles away? Well yeah, but Kinect for Xbox is a pretty awesome thing =] So life is kinda falling into place since the start of MY LAST TERM EVER AT HILLS. FUCK YES!!!! I only have class Mon & Wed. YAY. So now I'll be in Des Moines Wed night - Mon morning. Yay, more xbox time!! Wewt wewt!!!!! Anyway, I have today off so what am I doing? WEDDING PLANNING. Okay....a girl's gotta dream!!! Pinterest is my newest addiction, and there's a shit ton of wedding stuff on there. Also..I've been watching Say Yes to the Dress for the last two days straight. Whoops. Might be feeding my addiction even more so. Oh well, better than being obsessed with babies. Ew. poop machines. GROSS

Sunday, February 26, 2012

best vacation EVER

I would like to draw your attention to the name of this entry. Wait..what? vacation? Yes. But you didn't go anywhere Bubbles!! I know. It was kind of a stay-cation, but the boyfriend was here. So what all did we do?

Wed -- Bolo didn't get here until late, like 11 pm. So I spent the whole day trying not to have a nervous breakdown. Roomie and I cleaned, and then went shopping. Then I got drunk so roomie drove me to the airport to get him. YAY!!! Then we stopped at Hy-Vee and got cookies, and went for a short tour of Des Moines.

Thurs-- Uhm...We kinda stayed in bed all day and watched stuff on Netflix. It was chill..and it was pretty awesome. Then we double dated with the roomie and Nate and went out to Zimms (a small bar on Ingersoll). Oh did I mention it was a snowstorm? Lol yea buddy!

Fri -- started off like Thurs. Laid around in bed, listened to Weezer. Then when roomie got off work we headed over to Jordan Creek. Stopped at Loft and saw Kait. Went to hipster paradise aka the Apple Store, to see if they could fix my roomie's iPod. And then we went to Coach and someone *cough* got SUPER FUCKING SPOILED.
Nice, right? Even got a matching wallet. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x10000 Bolo <3 Oh and we got Panera. Then we picked up a b-day present for the cousin and went home and watched Sunny in Philly. New favorite show.

Sat -- I got up, left Bolo at home and went to pick up my bro from the car dealership. He rode up here with my grandparents. Then we hung for a bit, then my grandparents and my mom and my roomie's dad and his gf all came over. Then Bolo, Mom, Ethan, and I went to find some new shoes for Ethan before my cousin's surprise birthday party. So we went to the party. Bolo met the family. They all really like him. YAY. Although they think he spoils me too much. *Shrugs shoulders* What can I say? He definitely does spoil me too much..but I'm not one to complain ;)

So here we is Sunday. The worst day.. EVER. Bolo is leaving in around an hour, an hour and a half. I've been up since 9, and I've been crying on and off all morning. I know I leave for Atlantic City in two weeks, but honestly those two weeks are going to be the hardest and longest of my life. And then what am I going to do after that? When will I get to be with him again? UGH. Can we just obliterate all the states between Jersey and Iowa? That would be nice.

*sigh* sooooo best vacation ever? Definitely..except today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Soooooooooooo he finally got here yesterday after a billion and a half flight delays. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!  So after shopping and drinking a lot to prevent a nervous breakdown, the roomie had to drive to the airport. And now we're all going to the mall to pick up a few things.

I don't think I've ever been this.... content/happy/smiley in a long time. So yay =]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

13 hours...

He'll be here in 13 hours. I turned in my tests for organic chemistry this morning and was done with that around 735 lol. So now I'm at mcdonalds, eating a super uber fattening breakfast that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be throwing up because I'm a complete basket case..AGAIN. I had lunch with my mom yesterday and that somehow managed to calm me down, but now I'm a freaking out..again. Why? No idea. I mean I know nothing bad is going to happen..but UGH. I'm just so...scared.

And my vagina is imploding and we're out of midol. FUCK.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pterodactyls, not butterflies.

Less than 36 hours and he'll be here. I'm scared. Really scared. REALLY FUCKING SCARED. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm fugly? What if I fuck up absolutely EVERYTHING? What if he realizes I'm black? What if.. UGH!! I'm in such a fucking frenzy. I'm completely scatter brained. I tried to go grocery shopping last night. Made a list, then ran through every aisle twice, and still missed stuff on my list.

You know how when you REALLY like someone you get butterflies in your stomach? Well this is more than that. It's like pterodactyls ripping my intestines to pieces. They're in knots. I haven't slept well in two nights. My stomach hurts, ALL THE TIME. I can't eat. I'm such a basket case. My thoughts are entirely scattered. Sorry..that is definitely going to be reflected in this blog entry bc I can't organize ANYTHING. Not even my closet. FUCK.

I don't know, I guess I'm just worried. I love him, and what if we meet..and we just don't click in person like how we do not in person? I'll be completely heartbroken.

So yeah.. pterodactyls. Evil creatures.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The day after..

It's the day after Valentine's and I'm still completely ear-to-ear smiling.. still. I failed my bio test this morning and if I don't turn in my extra-credit I'll end up with a D in the class (I'll get a C if I do). I finished my lit class..most of it anyway, all but the two tests which aren't due until next week. I haven't done much for chem, but I have no idea what we're doing, so whatever. My grades will be shit this term. All C's probably. And do I care?? Noooooope.

This was the BEST Valentine's Day I've EVER had, even though my boyfriend is a thousand miles away. He sent me two boxes, full of stuff. He even sent them to my mom's so I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday when I go back to my apartment. I got to open one on Monday. It had personalized M&M's in it! AWESOME!! They had a pony on them and some said Bubbles with a <3, and some said "heated car" (it's an inside joke) and some had hearts on them. That was pretty awesome. I couldn't stop laughing for the loooongest time. I would have been totally fine with just that, because truth be told, that's probably the only Valentine's gift I've ever received that's had ANY thought put into it at all. After class on Monday I come home to see a HUUUUGE package sitting on the front porch. I wasn't allowed to open it until Valentine's Day, and I was instructed to call the bf so he could give me instructions. Hmm.. okay. Whatever. I had class that morning, so I woke up at 6 and called him. I know 6 is mad early for him...but he was okay with it. He's soooo.. flexible. Whatever I'm doing he just kinda fits around his plans. It's kind of amazing that he takes time for me, JUST me. Even if it's something he completely doesn't want to do.. like watching super uber girly tv shows on Netflix. *sigh* sooooooo AMAZING <3

ANYWAY!! I got sidetracked..where was I. OH YES!! Presents. Swear to FSM, it was like Christmas. I open the huge brown box, expecting nothing to be wrapped or anything and just something..I don't know. No idea what I'm expecting actually. But everything's wrapped in HOT PINK!! And I'm super excited!!! Oh and there's A STUFFED POOOONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my first package... kinda medium sized, not heavy or anything. Hmm.. PINK XBOX CONTROLLER!!! Because I kinda chewed my old one up. Yes chewed.. I'm mouthy. ANYWAY. YAY!!! 2nd package, small, squishy. Open.. a hot pink skin for my new controller. yay!!!! pretty pink pink pink!! He knows me so well. So after this I'm like "what in the world else could he get me?! This is WAY more than enough!!" so then I get to open my big squishy package. OH MY GOSH!! It's these!! I'd said I was going to get them to wear on our trip to AC. Which I really did intend on getting them..but he got them for me!!! So thoughtful!!! So then I get to open the smallest package..and it's xbox transfer cables..

Controller & transfer cables...That can only mean.. THE HUUUUUUUUGE ONE IS A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT* OH MY FUCKING GOD HE GOT ME A NEW XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's the Kinect bundle!!! YAY!!! So then he tells me I have to open it. Hmm. Awkward...maybe it's not an Xbox. That would suck. I open it, and pull out the Xbox..and it's covered in SHINY HOT PINK PONIES AND BUTTERFLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He MADE them. Just for me. 

So, needless to say... I have the world's best boyfriend; he's so thoughtful. Now I'm sitting in the coffeeshop, crying...because I've never been this happy, EVER. This is definitely something AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT, and I'm sure I'll never encounter it again, so I've got to hold on tight and never ever let it go.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Over three months later..

I know, I know.. I have NOT been keeping up with this blog very well. I've been super busy with life. And by that I mean, I have class Mon-Thurs and work Thurs-Sun. Never a day off. NEVER. So what's new with me? LOTS!! I'm dying to tell here goes (with some Elf quotes, you know..just because!):

"I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!!"
So I found this great guy. Actually I found him a couple of years ago.. and we kind of fell out of touch. Then I don't know what happened, but we started talking again around the holidays. I can't believe I actually forgot how amazing he is. We agree on soooo much. Like religion -- we're both Pastafarians. Who's even HEARD of that, let alone believes in it?! He's the sweetest guy ever -- he sent me a fucking pony. Yes, a Pinkie Pie stuffed pony. His friends are EPIC. Coolest group of kids I know, hands down.

"First, I went through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest... Then, I went past the sea of twirly, swirly gumdrops... And after that: I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."
Said guy is coming to visit me. Soon. Real soon, like A WEEK AND A HALF AWAY!!!!! Sooo excited.
Also on the travel agenda, said guy, his friends, and I are all going to Atlantic City, NJ for St. Patrick's Day weekend. I AM STOKED!!

"Why don't you just say it? I'm the worst toymaker in the world! I'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins."
This is me at school lately. I actually diced my finger open during a dissection. With a scalpel. Ouch. Oh well, new term is almost here, and it's the last one at Hills. YAY!!!

"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup."
Okay so I haven't been eating candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup, but I have been eating healthier, and trying to exercise. So far I've lost 6.5 pounds. Yay!!! is.. on track. Amazingly. It was a rough patch, but I'm finally through. Hopefully the next rough patch isn't so hard. Although I have a feeling the people I've grown closer to in the last few months will definitely be there to help me if I need it. <3